"The hind end of nowhere" nghĩa là gì?

Một mình đi trốn cũng vui. Photo by Jeremy Bishop

"The hind end of nowhere" = Điểm dừng đằng sau nơi vô định -> Một vị trí rất xa xôi hoặc không có đường đến tới đó. Đây là cách dùng châm biếm và nói quá lên về điểm xa nhất từ một điều nào đó.

Ví dụ
Wang says the quest was made difficult because the area is the hind end of nowhere, and he and others only had access a few times each year.

The Cold Mountain summit, one of the highest on the East Coast at 6,030 feet elevation, is in the hind end of nowhere, rugged area (địa hình gồ ghề) of the wilderness (hoang dã), which has no roads, making it impossible to get vehicles (xe cộ) on scene, MacDonald said.

But in February, this place can feel like the hind end of nowhere. The summer crowds have fled, of course, but frankly so has everyone else who can afford it. Your plumber (thợ ống nước) has taken his proceeds from your bathroom remodel (tu sửa lại) and is spending a week with the family in Aruba; he saw your gardener in the Miami airport on her way to St. Thomas.

Bin Kuan

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