"Whip into shape" nghĩa là gì?

Golden Gate Park Polo Field, 1232 John F Kennedy Dr, San Francisco. Photo by Parker Gibbons on Unsplash.

"Whip someone/something into shape" = quất roi (đánh) cho ai vào khuôn phép -> nghĩa là chấn chỉnh ai đó; khiến người/ai đó trở nên ở điều kiện/tình trạng tốt hơn.

Ví dụ
If looking to change the diet completely, slimmers (người nhịn ắn) can follow a structured diet plan to kick start the weight loss journey. A popular diet is the low carb (thức ăn có carbonhydrat) and high fat keto, or ketogenic, plan which is thought to burn fat. On this, slimmers can whip into shape by eating less than 25 grams of net carbs a day to enter into a fat-burning state called ketosis.

It became apparent (rõ ràng) for us that we needed to update this and whip into shape for a production-ready product. As difficult as this policy (chính sách) is, I think it makes it clear now for everyone what the policy is on a universal basis as opposed to trying your luck on a case-by-case basis.

Ruddock was one of a group of former (cựu) footballers Redknapp cobbled together to whip into shape for a two part ITV documentary called Harry's Heroes.

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