"Your heart's desire" nghĩa là gì?

Có những người không biết mình muốn và thích gì nhất. Photo by Tommy Tong

"(One's) heart's desire" = Mong ước cháy bỏng của con tim -> Điều/ai mà bạn mong muốn và khao khát muốn có bằng được.

Ví dụ
Those not keeping well are assured (nắm chắc, đảm bảo) of quick recovery (phục hồi nhanh chóng). Financially, you are likely to remain well off (sự giàu có, sung túc) and have enough to fulfill your heart's desire!

"My heart's desire is to bring women together, to let them know that they're resilient (không nản lòng, kiên cường), even though we go through hard times and go through struggles (khó khăn, thách thức), we're resilient," said Pastor Sanders.

“That is the strength of James Patterson’s legacy (gia tài),” Ramaswamy told The Daily Herald in an April interview. “It was his compassion (lòng thương, trắc ẩn) and his heart’s desire to make sure they had a shoulder to lean on (bờ vai để dựa); someone a veteran could count on when all other resources had been exhausted. It is that legacy that this office will continue. It is about the veteran and we owe it to them to be receptive (dễ tiếp thu và lĩnh hội) and helpful. We have to be there.”

Bin Kuan

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