Chung tay thiết lập tiêu chuẩn cho công nghệ nhận diện khuôn mặt

cùng nhau bắt tay làm đi thôi, 27 cty tq làm rồi
“Nowadays, face scanning has become the daily ‘norm’ for the general public to experience innovation and enjoy convenience,” the Hong Kong-based company wrote in a public post on social app WeChat. “However, the wide application of facial recognition in different fields has also led to a series of problems such as identity theft (ăn cắp định dạng cá nhân) and fraud (gian lận) resulting from a lack of regulation on technical accuracy (độ chính xác về kỹ thuật), as well as security risks stemming from (bắt nguồn từ) a lack of regulation on facial data collection, storage, and usage.”

The working group tasked with drafting the standard is comprised of 27 Chinese companies including Tencent, Ping An Insurance, Dahua Technology, Ant Financial, Xiaomi, and iFlytek, among other household names.

Tags: china

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