Lúc nào chẳng thế

ma túy trong xe oto là do... gió thổi vào :D
...With Zak’s sedan still in motion, an officer spotted Zak making “furtive (được thực hiện bí mật và lén lút; trộm; ngấm ngầm) movements, leaning over towards the center console as attempting to discard (vứt bỏ) an item out the passenger window.”

After Zak’s auto came to a stop, an officer approached the car and saw the suspect trying to conceal (giấu) an open can of Budweiser. A subsequent (tiếp theo sau đó) search of the car turned up a glass crack pipe and a clear baggie “with a whitish residue, which tested positive for crack cocaine,” police reported.

Questioned about the baggie, Zak (seen above) denied ownership of the item and claimed that “the police or the wind must have placed it there.”

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Tags: funny


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