Tư vấn mua xe mới

thích thì nhích, mua đại đi, đừng ngại lỡ sau này phát hiện ra là quyết định/lựa chọn tồi vì, về ngắn hạn thì thế, nhưng về dài hạn sẽ tiếc/hối hận nếu ko mua xe mình thích...
Dear Dan,

I’m shopping for a new car and I’ve been finding it hard to make a decision. Which would I regret more—buying a car I really want but later finding out that I made a bad choice, or not buying the car I really want and later finding out I should have bought it?


Research shows that in the short term, we tend to regret actions—in this case, buying a car—more than inactions. But in the long term, we’re more likely to regret the things we didn’t do. Psychologists suspect that this is because the consequences of inaction are uncertain and take much longer to make an impact. So while you might have regrets at first if you buy a car you don’t like, choosing not to buy a car you love would be worse in the long run.

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