"Boil the ocean" nghĩa là gì?

Cuộc đời mà, phải làm mới biết là khó. Photo by Simon Clayton from Pexels 

"Boil the ocean" = đun sôi đại dương -> tham gia, can thiệp vào những việc quá khó hoặc vô ích, vớ vẩn. 

Ví dụ
Everyone in business has heard the warning (cảnh báo): “don’t boil the ocean.” In other words, when looking for a solution to a problem, don’t take on too much all at once or make the scope so big that it becomes difficult or even impossible to find an answer. 

Avoid third parties (bên thứ ba) or automated tools (công cụ tự động hóa) that simply highlight thousands of vulnerabilities (lỗ hổng, nhược điểm) without any direction. You can’t boil the ocean, so make sure you get an actionable, prioritized plan with a defined set of vulnerabilities to remediate. 

Parker Conrad’s last startup, Zenefits, drowned in busy work. Now with Rippling, he wants to boil that ocean. Instead of trying to nail one thing then expand, “very counter (đối lập) to conventional wisdom (hiểu biết thông thường), we took on something that’s a lot broader and more ambitious (tham vọng).” 

Thu Phương

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