"Common as an old shoe" nghĩa là gì?

Hòa mình với thiên nhiên Photo by Javon Swaby from Pexels

'Common as an old shoe' = tầm thường như đôi giày cũ -> nghĩa là cư xử thiếu văn minh, vụng về, dung tục; dân dã.

Ví dụ
“George's like the rest of us, he's as common as an old shoe, but he likes to hobnob (đàn đúm) with the big people, so that's great.”

Entrepreneurs who claim they’ve got the next money-making concept are about as common as an old shoe. But a surplus of old shoes is exactly what one Chicago startup is hoping for.

"They're as common as an old shoe," said Betty Balsley, who got to know the Walker family while the now-governor's father was serving as a pastor (cố vấn tinh thần, mục sư) in Plainfield, Iowa.

"Faith was the lens through which he looked at life, family and friends who were the joy of his life," said Fr. Michael Ryan, a longtime family friend, who celebrated the Mass. "He was a modest man in every way, unpretentious (khiêm tốn) and common as an old shoe. The only accolades Rhoady was ever comfortable with were the ones he gave to others.

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