"Cover the same ground" nghĩa là gì?

Che thế này thì biết được là ai?? Photo by: Min An on Pexels

"Cover the same ground" = đề cập chính vấn đề cũ -> nghĩa là bàn tán/nói chuyện về vấn đề đã được giải quyết trước đó.

Ví dụ
Very often it is short-term exclusion (loại trừ). It is typically very successful. We liaise (giữ liên lạc) with schools to cover the same ground that they would have studied so when they go back they have not missed those bits that they would have. We try to get the students into mainstream schools as quickly as possible.

As we wait for more announcements (thông báo) regarding the series, we do know that the show won’t cover the same ground as the movies, at least not yet.

The plans generally cover the same ground, both of them opposed (phản đối) to the death penalty, cash bail, solitary confinement, private prisons, and the school-to-prison pipeline. Both would legalize marijuana (cần sa) and safe injection sites, provide support for survivors of crime, and invest in re-entry services, mental health treatment, officer training, and public defenders.

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