Khai thác năng lượng gió ở Đức

cũng giảm nhiệt rồi, tốc độ xây mới còn chưa tới 20% so với tốc độ trung bình 5 năm trước, và là mức tăng thấp nhất trong hai thập kỷ qua...
In the first nine months of 2019, developers (các nhà phát triển) put up 150 new wind turbines across the country with a total capacity of 514MW — more than 80 per cent below the average build rate in the past five years and the lowest increase in capacity for two decades. The sharp decline (giảm mạnh) has raised alarm (báo động) among political leaders, industry executives and climate campaigners.

“For the fight against climate change, this is a catastrophe (thảm họa),” said Patrick Graichen, the director of Agora Energiewende, a think-tank in Berlin. “If we want to reach the 65 per cent renewables target we need at least 4GW of new onshore wind capacity every year. This year we will probably not even manage 1GW.”

The problem was two-fold, he said: “The federal states have not made available enough areas (không dành đủ đất cho dự án mới) for new wind turbines, and those that are available are fought tooth and nail by local campaigners.”

Tags: economics

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