"Give up for lost" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Ian Keefe

"Give up (someone or something) for lost" = Từ bỏ và chịu thua cuộc trước ai/điều gì -> Từ bỏ theo đuổi ai/cái gì vì bạn không hy vọng làm được điều đó hoặc không thể tìm được.

Ví dụ
We always knew it would be very difficult, and it would be difficult for Marc to fail. That said, to think we didn’t have a chance after the victories in the middle of the championship would have been stupid. Yes, we thought it was possible. When Marc and his Honda are on the scene, we have to respect them, but give up for lost? No, never.

When Charles I was executed on Sancroft’s birthday in 1649, Sancroft wrote in despair (nỗi tuyệt vọng) to his father: “The black act is done . . . which an age cannot expiate (chuộc, đền tội). . . The church here will never rise again, though the kingdom should. The universities we give up for lost. . . In the mean time, there are caves and dens of the earth, and upper rooms and secret chambers (buồng, phòng), for a church in persecution (ngược đãi, hành hạ) to flee to, and there shall be our refuge (nơi ẩn nấu).”

Bin Kuan

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