"It takes a village to raise a child" nghĩa là gì?

Con là món quà lớn nhất của ba mẹ. Photo by  Daniel Filipe Antunes Santos

"It takes a village to raise a child" = cần cả làng mới nuôi dạy được một đứa trẻ -> Nuôi dạy một đứa trẻ cần nhiều sự hỗ trợ và giúp đỡ của nhiều người, cần tốn nhiều công sức và sự cố gắng.

Ví dụ
They say it takes a village to raise a child, I am now a true believer in this statement. Parents can only do so much; it takes the insight of others at times to lend their helping hand, as ACE has been doing for so many young, not your regular run of the mill (gian khổ, cực nhọc), children.

You’ve likely heard the old proverb: “It takes a village to raise a child.” Societies across the globe (toàn cầu) have adopted the idea that it takes an entire community of different people interacting with a child in order for them to experience their full growth potential. If you’re a parent, you likely agree with this philosophy (triết lý) — as do I. So when I came across an organization called, “Village to Village Network,” it really caught my attention.

What is critical here is to recognise for the need for connectivity between these various ESOs. Operating in isolation from one another does not help young start-ups, which will thrive best in an environment where ESOs recognise that their effectiveness is contingent on (tùy thuộc vào) one another. To paraphrase the African proverb: “it takes a village to raise a child”, it takes an ecosystem (hệ sinh thái) – not a single individual or organisation – to feed, nurture (nuôi dưỡng) and raise a successful entrepreneurial venture (mạo hiểm, dự án khởi nghiệp).

Bin Kuan

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