"Lose my hold over" nghĩa là gì?

Buông. Photo by  Larm Rmah

"Lose (one's) hold over (someone or something)" = Mất quyền kiểm soát, điều khiển với ai/cái gì.

Ví dụ
Mocking (chế giễu) social media comments like this one, attacking those of us who reject the modern grace message, are all too common: "We must restore the TRUTH of the trinity (ba ngôi Đức Chúa Trời) to the Church: Money, Bible and Minister. We will lose our hold over people and our private jets if we don't."

However, her hold on the mob (đám đông, dân chúng) is tenuous (mỏng manh), and she has just enough time to tell her daughter that she loves her before the QA team shoots her several times, causing her to lose her hold over the other hosts, and killing her in the process. Everyone is dying in this episode and I am not happy about it.

Pretending that there are ever direct one-to-one correspondences (quan hệ thư từ, thông điệp) between different election cycles is a mug's game. But that doesn't mean that there is nothing to be gleaned from past campaigns. In many ways the election that 2020 resembles most is the contest between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in 2012, in which an incumbent (người giữ chức vụ) who had begun to lose his hold over independent voters triumphed over what passed for an ideological (thuộc hệ tư tưởng) moderate from the opposition party, who had survived an intemperate (quá độ, không đều) primary.

Bin Kuan

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