"Lose sight of" nghĩa là gì?

Ngỡ như sẽ quay trở lại. Photo by  Caleb Woods

"Lose sight of (someone or something)" = Che mất tầm nhìn -> Không còn thấy ai/cái gì nữa do khoảng cách địa lý hoặc có điều ngăn trở; quên để ý hoặc không xem xét tới ai/cái gì.

Ví dụ
Remember why you started: It’s easy to get lost in the little details of day to day operations (including struggles), but don’t lose sight of the big picture, and why you started in the first place.

Everyone who teaches Christian theology (thần học) shares this same basic task. It is not possible to teach the Christian faith seriously, responsibly, or professionally without attempting to clarify (làm sáng tỏ) what Christianity is. And one of the most subtle (nhạy cảm, không dễ mô tả) and tenacious (bám chắc) obstacles to clarifying the meaning of the Christian faith is the tendency—in teachers and students alike—to lose sight of the difference between knowing theology and knowing God.

Humans — being social animals — are affected by the actions of those around. No matter how vehemently (dữ dội, mãnh liệt) we argue that we are not affected by people around us, the truth is that we are often affected to such an extent that we lose sight of ourselves completely. All our years in high school were spent listening to family and teachers discussing the importance of hard work, and we were hard wired (đánh điện) to believe that excessive hard work is good. They were most certainly right about the value of hard work, but when we lose sight of ourselves, we lose sight of our limits.

Bin Kuan

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