"Open and aboveboard" nghĩa là gì?

Cô nàng vlog. Photo by Sennie Do

"Open and aboveboard" = Mở lòng và thẳng thắn -> Hoàn toàn rất thành thật, không giấu giếm và hợp pháp về điều gì; điều gì mà công chúng đã thấy rõ ràng hoặc được công chúng kiểm tra rõ ràng.

Ví dụ
“[They're] frank, kind-hearted, resolute, having a strong sense of justice (công lý), open and aboveboard, and not bother about small matters,” they wrote.

"We are innocent (vô tội) and Japan is guilty (có tội)," Lee told the hearing, fighting back tears. "Japan must appear at this trial (phiên tòa) if it is open and aboveboard.".

Wang Yi pointed out, after a collective decision by Solomon Islands' Caucus Meeting, officially approved by the government cabinet (nội các, chính phủ) and unanimously (nhất trí, đồng lòng) supported by all the people, the government of Solomon Islands made the strategic decision to establish diplomatic relations (quan hệ ngoại giao) with China. It is an open and aboveboard decision that comes about naturally. History will surely prove that this decision fully conforms (làm theo, làm phù hợp với) to the fundamental and long-term interests of Solomon Islands and its people as well as the historical trend and the aspiration (nguyện vọng) of the people, and is a correct political decision.

Bin Kuan

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