"Rolling over in his grave" nghĩa là gì?

Tụi nó nói tui là cái ông ngồi dưới cây táo. Coi tin được không? Photo courtesy: the_mute_b

"Rolling over in one's grave" = lăn lộn trong hòm -> cực kỳ tức giận hay hối hận về một việc xảy ra sau khi ai đó mất. Nếu như họ còn sống, họ sẽ tức điên.

Ví dụ
Your grandfather loved that house, I can't believe you tore it down. He must be rolling over in his grave.

Referring to the report from Radar Online, Wendy explained: ‘They title the article, “Wendy‘s been looking for female companionship and Whitney‘s rolling over in her grave because Wendy has found it in Robyn Crawford”.

They said Greta Garbo and I’m sure your Auntie Denise is rolling over in her grave (while wearing her bonnet (mũ trùm tóc)) at another attempt (nỗ lực) for white people to not only co-opt (kết hợp), but also profit off of our culture. The NiteCap will cost you $98.00 and is available in five colors, including black, pink, navy, bone, and red. The cap is cute, featuring an oversize bow (cái nơ) but at $98.00, I would never. And while we are most likely not even the audience Lindenberg is attempting to sell to, at least she is using and featuring a Black model on the website.

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Bài trước: "Look what the cat dragged in" nghĩa là gì?
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