Từ từ nào chị em, chưa nói hết câu mà...

tinh dịch ở ruồi đực giúp ruồi cái tăng trí nhớ :D
Photo by Vincent van Zalinge on Unsplash.

Female fruit flies get a boost in their long-term memory (trí nhớ dài hạn) after mating (giao phối) thanks to a molecule found in male fly semen (tinh dịch). This molecule (phân tử) – called the sex peptide – binds to the sperm (tinh trùng) of male flies and is passed (chuyển qua) on to females, where it travels from the reproductive tract (ống sinh sản) to the brain.

It was already known that this molecule, which is unique to fruit flies, alters behaviour. After mating, it changes what females prefer to eat and makes them reject future mating partners, for example. It does this by acting on nerve cells, or neurons, located throughout the body.

Tags: sex


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