"Take as read" nghĩa là gì?

Mệt mỏi thì nghỉ. Photo by Sandis Helvigs

"Take (something) as read" = Đã đọc cái gì -> Khẳng định điều gì là đúng, xác thực và bạn biết hết rồi nên không cần thiết phải tranh luận hay điều tra gì nữa.

Ví dụ
Voters are supposed to take it as read that a Conservative government could reverse the regional railway closures of the 1960s for £500m, despite experts saying this is wildly undercosted; or that a Labour government could maintain free access to full-fibre broadband for just £230m a year.

Road controls are in effect for Highway 395 from Indian Hills south to Bridgeport. Highway 88 has road controls from Minden south to Alpine County. Just take it as read that it gets worse the further up you go. Bring chains, snacks and supplies if you’re going over the mountains to G’ma’s House.

Racing 92 are in pole position as they have already accumulated a full five-point haul at home against Saracens. You can take it as read that they will accumulate at least nine points — more likely 10 — from their back-to-back meetings against a pitiful Ospreys outfit when Munster are slugging it out with Mark McCall’s men.

Bin Kuan

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