"Take belt in" nghĩa là gì?

Đã đủ chuẩn. Photo by  Erik Mclean

"Take (one's) belt in (a notch)" = Thắt chặt một khấc -> Sống tiết kiệm lại, giảm bớt chi phí và tiền bạc.

Ví dụ
My husband is still unemployed (thất nghiệp) and I have to take my belt in to support my son's study.

They are rick kids and don't need to have a part-time job like us. Maybe they have never ever thought about taking their belt in a notch.

In the new year, I want to make a new year's revolution. So, I have to take my belt in first, then I will look for a new job for extra money so that I can afford my needs.

Bin Kuan

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