"Take each day as it comes" nghĩa là gì?

Đào núi và lấp biển quyết chí ắt làm nên. Photo by Tim Marshall

"Take each day as it comes" = Cứ để mỗi ngày đến thì đến thôi -> Không lo lắng điều gì đó sẽ xảy ra, cứ bình tĩnh đương đầu khi khó khăn đến; chuẩn bị sẵn sàng đương đầu với mọi chuyện trước.

Ví dụ
Take each day as it comes. ” He wishes her the very best and hopes she is living each day to the fullest for the time she has remaining.

And the Mavericks are excited about the possibilities, even if they are trying to keep their eye on the ball and take each day as it comes.

"I have said for a long time ... it's not enough to just survive something, right? That's not the point of life. You've got to thrive," Meghan said. "You've got to feel happy, and I think I really tried to adopt this British sensibility of a stiff upper lip (khả năng chịu đựng). I tried, I really tried, but I think that what that does internally is probably really damaging, and the biggest thing I know is that I never thought this would be easy, but I thought it would be fair, and that's the part that's really hard to reconcile. I don't know -- just take each day as it comes."

Bin Kuan

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