"Teach grandmother to suck eggs" nghĩa là gì?

Cũng gọi là biết chút chút đó chứ. Photo by fauxels from Pexels

"Teach (one's) grandmother to suck eggs" = dạy bà cách hút trứng -> lên mặt dậy đời người thạo việc hơn mình. Tương tự câu trứng đòi khôn hơn vị hay dạy bà ru cháu.

Ví dụ
This may seem like teaching grandma to suck eggs, but you would be amazed (ngạc nhiên) how many firms (công ty) miss the mark with this simple trick. 

If this is supposed to be a manifesto (tuyên ngôn) directed at “all those involved in education”, that seems a little too much like teaching your grandmother to suck eggs, and hardly part of a manifesto for change. 

If you wanted to know if your eggs were fresh, you should apply your tongue to the large end. If “it feels warm, it is new laid.” Miss Tattersall was literally (theo nghĩa đen) teaching our grandmothers to suck eggs. 

They must have told you this: do not teach grandmothers to suck eggs. This wisdom of old is no longer true. Because they do not make grandmothers or eggs like they used to. The former needs teaching, the latter learning about. Oh, what a wonder-filled world (thế giới đầy sự kỳ diệu) we live in! 

Thu Phương

Bài trước: "Experience is the best teacher" nghĩa là gì?
Tags: phrase

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