"Trust your gut" nghĩa là gì?

yêu đại đi, phân vân chi... Photo by Joanna Nix on Unsplash.

'Trust your gut' = trust you inner voice, trust your intuition đó các bạn; nghĩa là 'tin vào trực giác'.

Ví dụ
Before deciding on whether to trust your gut feel, it’s important to do two things. First, recognize the type of problem at hand. What kind of decision are you being faced with? What is the level of “unknowability”? Second, clearly identify and be aware of the context in which you are making the decision.

Because trust matters more than experience. So, trust your gut and consider how you are connected to your next employer. Look in the direction of trust: consider who knows you, and how. Leverage your connections, because relationships matter (especially as you move up within an organization). Make sure your LinkedIn profile shows that you are someone that hiring managers can trust, and reach out to your network to make sure that you are more than just qualified — you are connected to the people you need in your job search.

“When it comes to love, August and Uranus turning retrograde can bring someone back into your life for a second try. If you approach this relationship differently you have the opportunity to make it work this time," Stellhorn says. "For those looking for love, this can bring a new person into your life but ask yourself how this new person is similar to your ex. Check to see if you're repeating a pattern,” Maybe your goals are more aligned the second time around or you're both in a more stable place, or maybe you're going back to something familiar that has not changed significantly enough to work. Trust your gut to know the difference.

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