"Be in a bad way" nghĩa là gì?

Khi lương chưa về... Photo by Robert Bogdan from Pexels

"Be in a bad way" nghĩa là trong trường hợp rủi ro, chiều hướng xấu hoặc đang ốm, thể trạng không tốt.

Ví dụ
The Steelers are in a bad way financially.

The opposition PSOE party (Đảng đối lập) in Olula de Rio claims the municipal finances (tài chính thành phố) are in a bad way.

I've just had a period of laying on the sofa, over-thinking. Not necessarily in a bad way, though. It's been quite peaceful to sit and have literally nothing to do.

“It’s easy to use wireless in a bad way,” said Dan Wallach, a computer science professor (giáo sư khoa học máy tính) at Rice University and a member of the EAC’s technical guidelines committee (ủy ban chỉ đạo công nghệ).

Thu Phương

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