"Come as no surprise" nghĩa là gì?

Đếm từ 1 đến 3 mới được mở mắt nhá. Photo by JD Mason

"Come as no surprise" = Không ngạc nhiên/bất ngờ cả.

Ví dụ
The continuing decline in diesel car sales in 2019 should come as no surprise following the negative publicity around the fuel and the rising interest in alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs), says UK Fuels.

It's no secret that Vanderbilt's Austin Martin is one of the top college baseball players in the nation, so it should also come as no surprise that he is on the shortlist for most every award available for position players/hitters in the sport for the 2020 season.

Perhaps it should come as no surprise that Penn Badgley’s romance-obsessed stalker-turned-serial killer, Joe, in Netflix’s You is the object of the Internet’s affection. With his nerdy penchant (thiên hướng, sở thích) for books and lovelorn obsession (sự ám ảnh việc bị tình phụ bạc) with chivalry (tinh thần thượng võ, hiệp sĩ) — to the point of murder — Joe’s significant quirks (thói quen, tật) both twee (đa cảm quá mức) and sinister (nham hiểm, mang điềm xấu) have fascinated fans online.

Ka Tina

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