"Come into fashion" nghĩa là gì?

Rách là có phong cách. Photo by  freestocks.org

"Come into fashion" = Hợp thời trang, theo mốt và rất phong cách.

Ví dụ
Since most soap sold in the market includes additives that cause skin-irritation and pollute the environment, people are beginning to turn to handmade soaps, which are easier on the skin. Handmade soaps have therefore quickly come into fashion and attracted large crowds of enthusiasts.

"We've been told 'you must have double eyelids' and 'it is important to have long lashes,' but makeup for single eyelids has come into fashion now. Chinese-style makeup probably gained popularity amid diversification (tính đa dạng) of the (makeup) genre," said Itagaki. She says there is a move in Japan to pursue makeup that matches one's respective personality.

The company's strategic plan could change things; investors interested in the Guess? story should watch its statements for comments on partnerships with influencers, and the next earnings report (the current fiscal (công khố, tài chính) year ends Feb. 1) for details about inventories and online sales. If Guess? can make progress in those areas, the stock might come into fashion in the new year.

Ka Tina

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