"Go gathering orange blossoms" nghĩa là gì?

Cấm em Say No! Photo by Drew Coffman

"Go gathering orange blossoms" = Đi lượm hoa màu cam -> Đi tìm vợ (hoa màu cam là hoa được dùng để trang trí nhiều trong các lễ cưới và là biểu tượng về sự trinh trắng của cô dâu).

Ví dụ
The former PS then decided to instead try a Kenyan woman since he wanted a woman he can boss over like his role model. He thus decided to jet back to the country for only a week to go gathering orange blossoms.

Their motive (động cơ, mục đích) to go to Church services was not to worship (tôn thờ) but to go gathering orange blossoms. They felt they had reached the age of marrying, they were done playing and messing around with women in the world, for marriage, they were now looking for born again women who they deem (tưởng rằng, nghĩ rằng) to be wife material (vật chất).

Participants also signed nondisclosure agreements (thỏa thuận không được tiết lộ) prohibiting them from revealing the identity of the bachelor (người chưa có vợ), according to The LDS Matchmaker, with the man giving each of the 20 women a necklace at the June 7 dinner, which included a PowerPoint presentation of the top 10 reasons he opted to go gathering orange blossoms through a matchmaking (ghép đôi, mai mối) event, a four-course meal, group conversation and a five-minute, one-on-one “mini-date" with each participant.

Bin Kuan

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