"Go on welfare" nghĩa là gì?

Bà vẫn giữ thói quen đọc sách mỗi ngày. Photo by  Clément Falize

"Go on welfare" = Nhận phúc lợi xã hội, bắt đầu nhận sự giúp đỡ từ cơ quan nhà nước hoặc tư nhân do quá nghèo đói, khó khăn và cần giúp đỡ.

Ví dụ
Immigrants (dân nhập cư) come to the US to go on welfare and get free medical care.

“I am tired of seeing our taxpayers paying for people to come into our country and immediately go on welfare and other things, so I think we’re doing it right," he said.

There is money that reverts back to the General Fund every year because it is impossible to know in advance how many people will go on welfare, or how many people will go into a hospital or nursing home and need Medicaid assistance or how many students will be enrolled in any given school district.

Bin Kuan

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