"Look beneath the surface" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by  Lucas Sankey

"Look beneath the surface" = Nhìn ở dưới bề mặt -> Tập trung/xoáy sâu vào các khía cạnh của vấn đề.

Ví dụ
Look beneath the surface of recent news to find the root cause of Boeing’s 737 Max disaster (thảm họa). The Seattle Times recently reported that Boeing released 100 pages of damning documents that show the company deceived international air safety regulators and airline companies. Dare I add that Boeing also deceived every passenger who has taken a Max flight?

“I hope that people learn to look beneath the surface of band behavior and drug addiction, try and challenge that stigma (vết nhơ, đốm, điều sỉ nhục). I mean, their all human beings behind these stories and they are wonderful,” she said. “Some of these people are born leaders but their leadership skills have been oppressed. If we can help them bring that out of them, look at what our whole country could become.”

“They can make an extreme difference in a victim’s life by treating them as a victim instead of a criminal by talking to them and getting that information, to look beneath the surface,” she said. “Often times, trafficking victims (nạn nhân của nạn buôn bán người) do not look like a victim right off the bat. But law enforcement can make a huge difference once they recognize this crime and feel equipped to deal with it appropriately.”

Ka Tina

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