"Things are looking up" nghĩa là gì?

Coffee time. Photo by  Jason Blackeye

"Things are looking up" = Mọi điều đang trở nên khả thi, đang cải thiện và có thêm hy vọng.

Ví dụ
But things are looking up. In 2018, 1,183 US companies in business for at least two years and with at least 10 employees installed new CEOs, according to the annual Women CEO Report. Of those, 264, or 22.3 percent, were women, up from 18 percent in 2017.

Already, things are looking up. In the southern most town of Kawthaung, which borders Thailand, there are plans to open an international airport, which would improve air connectivity to the region. Memories Group, one of the most established high-end tourism companies in Myanmar, backs this plan. Its CEO Cyrus Pun has set his sights on the Mergui Archipelago.

Those that have been following Arrow over the last two seasons know that Mia Smoak (Katherine McNamara) has lived a tough life full of hardship. She never knew her father, was estranged (bị xa lánh, ly thân) from her mother and was separated from her brother at birth. However, now that "Crisis on Infinite Earths" has restarted the Arrowverse, things are looking up for Blackstar.

Ka Tina

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