"As cold as a well digger's feet" nghĩa là gì?

Khuôn mặt đáng thương. :D Photo by Benjamin Lehman from Pexels

"(As) cold as a well digger's feet/ass/butt nghĩa là rất lạnh (thường nói về thời tiết tháng 1). "Well digger" là thợ chuyên đi đào giếng.

Ví dụ
Even with the cabin heat full on it was as cold as a well digger's ass in Alaska, he thought.

The fact that at any moment the room could have collapsed (sụp đổ) left Klingenberg as cold as a well digger's ass.

The only pronouncement (lời tuyên bố) of Cold she would ever make, since she hated winter, was when it was “colder than a well-digger's butt in Ideeho".

Last month, I was shivering (run lẩy bẩy) in a climbing stand in northern Ohio. It was around 2 p.m., cold as a well-digger’s butt, and I was into my third all-day sit.

Thu Phương

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