"At a set time" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by  Kevin Ku

"At a set time" = Theo thời gian đã được thiết lập/cài đặt.

Ví dụ
You could even set your out of office on a timer, so that it will come into effect at a set time. Having an out of office set will leave you to enjoy your holiday without worrying about a build-up of emails to deal with when you get back.

This is because Sims do not go into labour at a set time; though in practice, it usually does occur around 24 hours into the third trimester (thai kỳ thứ ba). The expiration of this moodlet triggers the 'Pregnant: In Labour' moodlet, which grants Uncomfortable +40.

Sure, you can set up something crazy in Windows' Task Scheduler to automatically turn off your computer at a set time each day. It's a little bit of an in-depth process, but it's absolutely doable (có thể làm được) even for Windows novices. You can even make a shortcut on your desktop that automatically powers down your system after a certain amount of time has elapsed. You'll have to activate it yourself, but it's a great kill switch.

Ka Tina

Tags: phrase

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