"At swords' points" nghĩa là gì?

Cáu mà không làm được gì! Photo by Craig Adderley from Pexels

"At swords' points" nghĩa là ở vị trí thù địch, đối kháng, sẵn sàng chiến nhau, gây gổ, cãi lộn.

Ví dụ
A father and son own the stock of a corporation (cổ phiếu của tập đoàn) and they are at swords' points and so one of them is bought out.

This the captain took in dudgeon (sự phẫn nộ), and they were at swords' points at once. But his displeasure (bất mãn) was chiefly turned against a large, heavy-moulded fellow from the Middle States, who was called Sam.

It’s doubtful (nghi ngờ) that Clinton, who was very much the candidate of the status quo (hiện trạng) and would constantly have been at swords’ points with a Republican-controlled Congress, would have had any more success in dealing with them if she had won.

It is not well for a citizen of the said republic (nước cộng hòa) to be at swords' points with others his fellow citizens, because he happens to live under the political administration (quản lý chính trị) of General Jackson, and they under that of William the Fourth, or Louis Philippe.

Thu Phương

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