"Cut a deal" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by  Markus Winkler

"Cut a deal" nghĩa là đạt được một thỏa thuận; đàm phán/sắp xếp một vụ thỏa thuận.

Ví dụ
Sellers listing in the off-season may be moremotivated to cut a deal, especially if they'rerelocating for a job and are looking to sell ASAP.

Mitchell is the only Attorney General in US history to have served a prison term, a fate he suffered when he refused to cut any deals with those investigating the Watergate scandal. Mitchell also refused to write a memoir out of that same sense of loyalty.

“Michael is a good friend of mine, we’re partners in Australia (Supercars), and I knew he was talking to Ruoff Mortgage,” said Brown, who also had a personal services deal with Alonso that ended earlier this year. “But when he and Fernando couldn’t put a deal together, Ruoff asked Michael if they could go with us, and he gave his blessing. So we cut a deal with Ruoff to sponsor Fernando at Indianapolis.”

Balanche reckons that despite all the hawkish rhetoric (lời nói khoa trương hiếu chiến), the two sides will eventually agree. A putative (được giả định là, được coi là) deal might include Russia letting Turkish forces take the Kurdish-controlled town of Kobani and move people displaced from Idlib there, Arabizing Kobani as was done in Afrin, the Kurdish-majority enclave (vùng đất bị bao quanh bởi nhiều vùng đất khác) Turkey invaded in early 2018. “All depends on whether the Kurds cut a deal with regime (chế độ) and tell the Americans to go or not,” Balanche noted.

Ka Tina

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