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hơn 80.000 người trong mùa đông 2017-2018, cao nhất trong hơn một thập kỷ...
More than 80,000 Americans died of the flu in the winter of 2017-2018, the highest number in over a decade, federal health officials said last week.

Although 90 percent of those deaths were in people over age 65, the flu also killed 180 young children and teenagers, more than in any other year since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention began using its current surveillance methods.

The high mortality rate (tỷ lệ tử vong) was unusual because it was caused by a “normal” — albeit severe — flu season, not by a new pandemic (dịch lớn; bệnh xảy ra khắp nơi) influenza strain.

In the 2009-2010 swine flu epidemic, by contrast, 59 million Americans are thought to have caught the novel strain that first appeared in the spring, but only about 12,000 died because the infection was relatively mild.

(That flu, an H1N1 strain, was called a “swine flu,” despite the objections of the pork industry, because it emerged in a pig-farming region of Mexico and was the first human flu virus to contain genes from both North American and Eurasian pig flus.)

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