"Hang in the balance" nghĩa là gì?

Peace in mind. Photo by  Jordan Opel

"Hang in the balance" = Đang ở thế cân bằng -> do dự, lưỡng lự; ở vào tình trạng (nguy ngập).

Ví dụ
Consumer products related counters remained to be the top loser with Nestle declining 70 sen to RM141.70, F&N declined 50 sen to RM29.80, Heineken slid RM1.24 to RM27.12 and Carlsberg shrank RM1.20 to RM33.76. Construction index meanwhile erased 1.09 per cent, as uncertainties over the revived and newly announced projects are left hang in the balance, combined with the impact of ongoing COVID-19 concerns.

Barring urgent intervention (sự can thiệp cấp bách), the Polish government will likely break the standoff (ngưng trệ, đình trệ, bế tắc) by simply waiting for the expiration of the current Supreme Court president's term on 30 April and appointing a party loyalist to replace her, beyond which point serious prospects for reasserting judicial independence will by most accounts no longer be viable (không còn khả thi nữa). Not only does that independence now hang in the balance, but so does Poland's very integration (hội nhập) in the EU legal order.

"In the instant petition (đơn, kiến nghị) for a writ of certiorari (lệnh toá án cấp trên xét lại vụ án), Reed has presented a substantial body of evidence that, if true, casts doubt on the veracity (tính xác thực) and scientific validity (tính hiệu lực/giá trị pháp lý về mặt khoa học) of the evidence on which Reed's conviction (kết án) rests," Sotomayor wrote. "Misgivings this ponderous (nặng) should not be brushed aside even in the least consequential of criminal cases; certainly they deserve sober consideration when a capital conviction and sentence hang in the balance."

Ka Tina

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