Không cái dại nào giống cái dại nào

giấu mật mã ví bitcoin (trị giá 46 triệu bảng) bằng cách in ra để vào cần câu, nhưng ngồi tù, và chủ nhà thuê vứt cần câu ra rác mất tiêu

In early 2017 Clifton Collins, an Irish drug dealer (buôn lậu ma túy), had a dilemma (tình thế tiến thoái lưỡng nan): where to hide the codes (mật mã) of his illicit (trái phép, không hợp pháp; bị cấm; lậu) €55m (£46m) bitcoin fortune (tài sản, gia sản).

His solution (giải pháp) was to print them on to an A4 piece of paper (in ra tờ giấy a4) and stash (giấu) it in the aluminium cap of a fishing rod (cần câu) case kept at his rented home (nhà đi thuê) in Farnaught, Cornamona, County Galway. It seemed a good idea at the time.

Then three things happened. Police arrested Collins after finding €2,000 worth of cannabis (ma túy làm từ cây gai dầu) in his car. He was sentenced to five years in jail. The landlord of the Galway house had it cleared out, resulting in Collins’ possessions being taken to a dump (bãi rác).

...Waste from the dump goes to Germany and China to be incinerated (đốt, hỏa táng). The fishing rod case has never been found.

Tags: funny

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