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thượng nghị sĩ Mitt Romney là người duy nhất của đảng cộng hòa bỏ phiếu luận tội trump

Senator Mitt Romney was the only Republican to vote to remove Mr. Trump, saying the president committed (phạm sai lầm, phạm tội) "as egregious (quá xá, đại, chí) an assault (tấn công đột ngột và mạnh mẽ; hành hung) on the Constitution as can be made." No Democrats voted for acquittal (sự trả xong nợ, sự trang trải xong nợ nần; sự tha tội, sự tha bổng, sự tuyên bố trắng án; sự làm trọn (bổn phận, trách nhiệm...)).

Romney was the only Republican to break with his party (không theo đường lối của đảng) Wednesday and vote guilty, on the first article of impeachment (luận tội) — the one charging abuse of power (lạm dụng quyền lực).

As recently as Tuesday, Romney had informed Mr. Trump's allies he was going to vote along with his Republican colleagues. The Romney vote deprived (tước bỏ) the president of the unanimity (sự đồng thuận) he strongly desired (mong muốn, khao khát) from his party in the impeachment vote. One Trump adviser told CBS News the team viewed it as an "opportunistic" (mang tính cơ hội) move by Romney.

The lone defection (đào ngũ, không theo đường lối của đảng/tổ chức) on one of the articles wasn't nearly enough to change the trial's outcome, which was never in much doubt. A guilty verdict for either article would have required 20 Republican senators to vote to convict (buộc tội) the president. He was acquitted by the Senate on both articles. The other charged obstruction of Congress (cản trở quốc hội).


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