"Put a new complexion on" nghĩa là gì?

Không ổn. Photo by Azamat Kinzhitayev

"Put a new complexion on (something)" = Thay đổi/làm mới cục diện, diện mạo, tính chất hoặc hình thái của cái gì.

Ví dụ
The most dramatic set of rule changes for 20 years will put a new complexion on how teams tackle a race weekend.

Events moments after the break put a new complexion on the game and Birmimgham took full advantage of the good fortune they were handed.

Eventually, the US decided to act, invading (xâm lược) Panama in 1989 and overthrowing Noriega. His successor, Guillermo Endara, a civilian and lawyer, put a new complexion on Panama's international image. But accusations that the country's financial system permitted money-laundering, fraud and international tax evasion (trốn thuế) have persisted.

Ka Tina

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