"Put down a marker" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Hugo Kemmel

"Put down a marker" = đánh dấu -> minh họa/thể hiện điều bạn có thể làm hoặc ý định về điều bạn muốn làm sau này cho tất cả mọi người biết.

Ví dụ
Inside the ancient walls of the Silk Road oasis (ốc đảo) town of Khiva, China has put down a marker of its geopolitical ambitions (tham vọng về khoa địa chính trị).

The smile etched across the face of Jonjo O’Neill junior said it all as Native River put down a marker for this year’s Cheltenham Gold Cup and, possibly, Grand National.

For club captain Friend the return to action offers a chance to make up for lost time and to close in on a personal target. After abortive (thất bại sớm, non yếu, đẻ non) returns in August and November he is now looking to put down a marker.

Ka Tina

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