"Rake over the ashes" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by: Laura Fuhrman on Unsplash

"Rake over the ashes" = khơi lại đống tro tàn -> nghĩa là nhắc lại hoặc gợi lại những kí ức xưa, thường là những chuyện không tốt đẹp.

Ví dụ
The panel will rake over the ashes of the plan that died in the final hour of the 2016 session in March, when the House balked at a Senate bill to move expansion forward. If it had passed, state officials would be working with the feds on a state-managed program to administer (thực thi) the estimated (khoảng) $7.5 billion in additional federal aid Idaho stands to receive in 10 years of expanded Medicaid.

For two hours, the two leading characters argue, love, exchange (trao đổi) insults and plumb (thăm dò) the emotional depths as they rake over the ashes of an affair that lasted for six years. There is a bruising (thâm tím) emotional truth in the writing, and a zinging, stinging mixture of wit and anger.

Though it was briefly something of a fashion, it must be slightly strange for a comedian to perform a stand-up show about the death of their father. Not just because they must rake over the ashes of grief (nỗi đau) night after night, but also because such a intensely personal moment runs the risk of becoming just another part of the show’s engineering – a scene to be wrung (vắt) for maximum poignancy (đau khổ), night after night.

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