"Roll a set of prints" nghĩa là gì?

"Roll a set of (finger)prints" = Thu thập/lấy mẫu của dấu vân tay bằng cách dùng nước mực hoặc các thiết bị scan hình ảnh.

Ví dụ
One of the applicants, Miss Dan-Amor Favour, described the process as “tedious (chán ngắt)” because the machine did not immediately roll a set of fingerprints.

He described one method of getting fingerprints that is not for the squeamish. At a certain time after death, the skin “degloves.” An investigator can then slide a gloved hand into the dead skin and successfully roll a set of fingerprints.

Lucas goes to a diner, one that I'm familiar with in real life, to make contact. A courier brings him a tablet, which his mystery informant uses to roll a set of fingerprints and obtain a digital signature, presumably for protection.

Ka Tina

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