"Set her off" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Vaishnav Chogale

"Set (someone or something) off" = làm nổi sắc đẹp, làm tăng lên, làm nổi bật lên; làm ai bật cười, làm cho ai bắt đầu nói đến một đề tài thích thú; bắt đầu lên đường; làm cho cái gì bắt đầu xảy ra hoặc làm cho ai tức giận.

Ví dụ
Her mom reminded her “it's just a pencil” at the end of the video, which only seemed to set her off more. “It's a perfect attendance pencil!

Antonia worked for a number of years at the British Museum, and one day there, when retrieving manuscripts (bản thảo) from readers, she was handed back a copy of the Chronicle of the Abbey of Bury St Edmunds. She was fascinated by the document and it set her off on the long task of tracing the abbey’s history.

"When you get a beacon you get it all registered and they have all the info about you so when you set it off they can look at it and say 'oh yeah that's Jo'," she says "Then they ring Gareth and say 'oh yeah not a false alarm' and then they come and get you." New Zealand has one of the largest search and rescue regions in the world. And when not everyone registers their beacon it wastes time and potentially costs lives.

Ka Tina

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