"The rot sets in" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Kyle Glenn

"The rot (tình trạng phiền toái khó chịu, bệnh sán lá gan (ở cừu), sự mục nát) sets in" = tình hình bắt đầu xấu đi.

Ví dụ
Prime Minister Modi needs to take things in hand before the rot sets in deeper. Reigniting Hindu religious pride is far less important that keeping the hearth lit and supplied with food and essentials in 240 million Indian homes. This is beyond rhetoric (lời nói khoa trương, hoa mỹ).

“The ‘Real-Time Bidding’ data breach at the heart of RTB market exposes every person in the UK to mass profiling, and the attendant risks of manipulation (sự thao túng, bóp méo) and discrimination (sự phân biệt chủng tộc),” they warn. “Regulatory ambivalence (sự mâu thuẫn trong tư tưởng, sự vừa ghét vừa yêu) cannot continue. The longer this data breach festers (làm thối, day dứt), the deeper the rot sets in and the further our data gets exploited. This must end. We are considering all options to put an end to the systemic breach, including direct challenges to the controllers and judicial oversight of the ICO.”

It opens on Iris (Veronica Thomas) lying on the couch, bored and unable to muster enthusiasm for anything that might relieve it. She tries a book, she tries to draw, she plays with her phone; eventually she watches TV, and that’s when the rot sets in. The show that comes on is some romantic pap, and the ads that follow – for lipstick or perfume or makeup, it really doesn’t matter – are worse, because they promise a satisfaction they have no intention of delivering. It’s a pointed opening, a dialogue-free meditation (thiền, sự suy ngẫm) on the perniciousness (tính độc hại) of capitalism and its particular effect on women.

Ka Tina

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