Đừng đòi hỏi chúng tôi như trước

các công ty dược lớn nói rõ rằng, cách thức chính phủ huy động họ những lúc khẩn cấp, sản xuất vaccine này hay mặt hàng kia khiến phá vỡ hoạt động thường ngày của họ, và không bền vững,
GSK has made a corporate decision that while it wants to help in public health emergencies (tình huống khẩn cấp về y tế công), it cannot continue to do so in the way it has in the past. Sanofi Pasteur has said its attempt to respond to Zika has served only to mar (làm hư, làm hỏng, làm hại) the company’s reputation (danh tiếng của công ty). Merck has said while it is committed to getting its Ebola vaccine across the finish line it will not try to develop a vaccine that protects against other strains of Ebola and the related Marburg virus.

Drug makers “have very clearly articulated that … the current way of approaching this — to call them during an emergency and demand that they do this and that they reallocate resources (tái phân bổ nguồn lực), disrupt (phá vỡ) their daily operations (hoạt động thường ngày) in order to respond to these events — is completely unsustainable,” said Richard Hatchett, CEO of CEPI, an organization set up after the Ebola crisis to fund early-stage development of vaccines to protect against emerging disease threats.

Hatchett and others who plan for disease emergencies worry that, without the involvement of these types of companies, there will be no emergency response vaccines.

Tags: health


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