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tranh cãi ở Wall Street Journal, 53 cbcnv viết thư yêu cầu lãnh đạo của báo phải xin lỗi tq vì tiêu đề bài 'tq thật sự là con bệnh châu á' khi viết về corona virus...

More than four dozen journalists at The Wall Street Journal challenged (thách thức) their bosses (sếp, lãnh đạo) and criticized (chỉ trích) the newspaper’s opinion side in a letter that was sent to top executives on Thursday, the day after China announced that it would expel  (trục xuất) three Journal staff members in retaliation for (trả đũa) a headline that offended (xúc phạm) the country’s leaders.

They criticized the newspaper’s response to the fallout from the headline, “China Is the Real Sick Man of Asia,” on economic repercussions (tác động trở lại, ảnh hưởng; hậu quả) of the coronavirus outbreak.

...Mr. Cheng, who did not sign the letter, wrote in a separate note that he was passing the letter along to the two executives, adding that he believed their “proper handling of this matter is essential to the future of our presence in China.”

Tags: china

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