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cho thuốc xổ vào bia nhé :D
After consulting (tìm tòi, nhận lời tư vấn) various internet pages and forums, Michel N., a young woman from Sinaloa, devised (nghĩ ra) a plan (kế hoạch) to make her husband, José Brayan, quit drinking (bỏ nhậu, bỏ rượu). She managed to get a hold on a mixture of castor oil (dầu thầu dầu) and plum extract and started putting a few drops of it into his beer bottles, to achieve a mild, gradual laxative (thuốc xổ) effect. José later told police that he found it a bit strange when his wife offered to pop open his beer and bring it to him whenever he needed one, but he simply “let himself be loved and pampered (nuông chiều)”.

As the natural laxatives started working their magic on José ‘s bowels (ruột, lòng), his wife tried to convince (thuyết phục) him that the diarrhea (bệnh ỉa chảy; bệnh tiêu chảy) was a sign of allergy (dị ứng), most likely to alcohol. But the man didn’t let himself be scared into quitting his beer habit, instead popping a stomach pill and continuing to drink as usual. He even jokingly told Michel that the bathroom was a short distance away, so there was no problem.

Michel didn’t really find the humor (hài hước) in her husband’s remarks (nhận xét), and out of desperation (tuyệt vọng) to get him to quit drinking, she started putting more laxatives into his beers...

Tags: beer


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