"A guilty conscience needs no accuser" nghĩa là gì?

Chẳng ai nói gì nhưng anh ta cứ rầu rĩ. Photo by Download a pic Donate a buck! ^ from Pexels 

"A guilty conscience needs no accuser" = lương tâm tội lỗi không cần người tố cáo -> nghĩa là có tật giật mình, biết mình sai nên luôn thấp thỏm lo lắng, dễ chột dạ. 

Ví dụ A guilty conscience needs no accuser. This is bolting the gate when the horses have left the stable (hành động lúc này là quá muộn). The corruption (tham nhũng) will continue unabated (không suy giảm). 

A guilty conscience needs no accuser,’ is an old adage (ngạn ngữ) that fits well with what recently transpired (diễn ra) in cotton trading contracts (hợp đồng giao dịch) at the Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX). 

He knows what he is doing, and he is calculated (tính toán). What he does matches who he is. He is a predator (lợi dụng người khác). He is befriending (giúp đỡ) all of these parents to have access to their kids. He didn’t help them. He made them worse. A guilty conscience needs no accuser. When you’re telling him he is guilty, you are telling him something he already knows. 

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