"Apprentice him to" nghĩa là gì?

Mẹ kể con nghe nhé Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

'Apprentice one to' = cho học việc, học nghề.

Ví dụ
They require their prospective teachers to spend at a least a year mastering the craft of teaching before getting licensed, and then typically apprentice them to a master teacher for a year after they've been hired for their first job.

“I apprenticed myself to great black singers, famous and not, and started trying to figure out what the techniques were, what this was all about, without, as a friend of mine said, ‘singing in blackface.’ The trick is not to imitate black dialect. There’s something else going on, and the people who’ve figured this out you can kind of count on one hand, as far as white singers crossing over.”

The show’s subtitle, “The Slave of Duty” gives a good hint to the social conventions being satirized (châm biếm, chế nhạo). At a young age, Frederic was apprenticed to a band of pirates — mistakenly. As his longtime nursemaid (cô bảo mẫu) confesses, her instructions were to apprentice him to a “pilot,” who leads ships into harbor, rather than a marauding troop (toán cướp), to serve his term to his 21st birthday.

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