"Bask in the reflected glory" nghĩa là gì?

Anh ơi bắt tay em với! Photo by The New York Public Library on Unsplash

"Bask/bathe in the reflected glory" = phơi mình trong ánh phản chiếu vinh quang-> hưởng thụ, trải nghiệm cảm giác xa hoa, nổi tiếng nhờ người khác, thuần Việt gọi là "ké fame".

Ví dụ
People tend to to follow winning athletes because it allows them to bath in their reflected glory. This is a psychological (thuộc tâm lý học) term that refers to our desire (mong ước) to associate ourselves with success or prestige (uy thế).

Jay was recently announced (công bố) as a Class of 2020 inductee (người được tuyển) into the Delaware Afro-American Sports Hall of Fame. Because Jay predates the Athletes of Week feature of the Cape Gazette and The Whale, it was decided to frame his photo and allow him to bask in the reflected glory of his past.

While the Carnival parade (diễu hành) used to be a chance for Brazilian politicians (chính trị gia) to bask in the reflected glory of the celebration, today they often find themselves at the center of samba (điệu nhảy người Brazil) schools’ criticisms (chỉ trích) and so are avoiding Brazil's largest cultural show.

Thu Phương

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