"Be a sheet in the wind" nghĩa là gì?

Đừng say khi lũ bạn còn tỉnh. Photo by Pressmaster from Pexels

"Be a sheet in the wind" = tờ giấy đung đưa trước gió -> (từ lóng) nghĩa là ngà ngà say. "Be three/four/both sheets to the wind" là say bí tỉ, say khướt.

Ví dụ
I thought I was a sheet in the wind that night, but I was not even close to their level. They had been at the neighbor's, doing shots all night.

"Is it just that I'm a sheet in the wind?” he wondered (tự hỏi). To be on the safe side, Harry decided to wait another 30 minutes for the medicine to take effect (thuốc có tác dụng).

If you are three sheets to the wind in the early am, avoid this option because unless you are a licensed underground mine surveyor (nhà khảo sát đào mỏ ngầm được cấp phép), you will get lost.

Signage (bảng hiệu) details and even carpet patterns (mẫu thảm) help orient (định hướng) passengers to fore and aft (trước và sau) and deck number. While this might be a navigation aide (hỗ trợ điều hướng) to passengers while they are “four sheets to the wind” – it’s a design some of her competitors could take a lead from.

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